Keeping Your License Active

Per North Carolina Real Estate Commission (NCREC) Rules, all licensed brokers (both provisional and non-provisional) must take a minimum of eight (8) hours of continuing education (CE) each license year to maintain their license on Active status.

  • Brokers-in-Charge must take their version of the mandatory update: "BICUP" or "Broker-in-Charge Update."
  • Full Brokers who are not Brokers-in-Charge must take their version of the mandatory update: "GENUP" or "General Update."
  • All licensees must choose an elective of their preference for the additional four hours of CE credit. Please be aware that Brokers-in-Charge may not take the "GENUP" or "General Update" for elective credit. Doing so will remove your BIC-eligibility status.

Upcoming Continuing Education Classes

Course: “If You List You Last” - Online Elective 1861
Date: 02/19/2025 - 02/19/2025
Time: 9:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST
Days: Wed
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 20

Course: Seller Representation-Agency or Agony Making the Right Choice - Online Elective 3473
Date: 03/01/2025 - 03/01/2025
Time: 9:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST
Days: Sat
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 25

Course: General Update-Online 5925
Date: 03/05/2025 - 03/05/2025
Time: 9:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST
Days: Wed
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 33

Course: Seller Representation-Agency or Agony Making the right choice 3473
Date: 03/12/2025 - 03/12/2025
Time: 9:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST
Days: Wed
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 17

Course: General Update-Online 5925
Date: 03/16/2025 - 03/16/2025
Time: 1:00 PM EST - 5:00 PM EST
Days: Sun
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 39

Course: Broker-In-Charge Update online 5825
Date: 03/19/2025 - 03/19/2025
Time: 9:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST
Days: Wed
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 49

Course: “If You List You Last” - Online Elective 1861
Date: 03/19/2025 - 03/19/2025
Time: 6:00 PM EST - 10:00 PM EST
Days: Wed
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 28

Course: General Update-Online 5925
Date: 03/26/2025 - 03/26/2025
Time: 9:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST
Days: Wed
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 18

Course: Seller Representation-Agency or Agony Making the right choice 3473
Date: 04/09/2025 - 04/09/2025
Time: 9:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST
Days: Wed
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 26

Course: General Update-Online 5925
Date: 04/09/2025 - 04/09/2025
Time: 6:00 PM EST - 10:00 PM EST
Days: Wed
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 27

Course: General Update-Online 5925
Date: 04/12/2025 - 04/12/2025
Time: 9:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST
Days: Sat
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 16

Course: General Update-Online 5925
Date: 04/16/2025 - 04/16/2025
Time: 9:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST
Days: Wed
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 28

Course: “If You List You Last” - Online Elective 1861
Date: 04/23/2025 - 04/23/2025
Time: 9:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST
Days: Wed
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 26

Course: Agency or Agony-Buyer Representation...Getting paid in today's market 3473
Date: 04/27/2025 - 04/27/2025
Time: 1:00 PM EST - 5:00 PM EST
Days: Sun
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 15

Course: General Update-Online 5925
Date: 04/30/2025 - 04/30/2025
Time: 9:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST
Days: Wed
Location: Online
Travis Everette
(subject to change)

Price: $55.00
Open Seats: 28

Course Descriptions

General Update-In Person Mandatory Update Kernersville, NC
2024-2025 Mandatory Update Course required for all provisional and nonprovisional licensees who are NOT CURRENTLY A BROKER IN CHARGE OR BIC ELIGIBLE. Those who are BIC Eligible and current BIC's should take the Broker In Charge Update Course. This fulfills 4 hours of CE credit for the June 10, 2025 Deadline. Course topics for 2024-2025 include detailed discussion of material facts and their proper disclosure in North Carolina real estate transactions

General Update-In Person Mandatory Update: Kernersville, NC
2022-2023 Mandatory Update Course required for all provisional and nonprovisional licensees who are NOT CURRENTLY A BROKER IN CHARGE OR BIC ELIGIBLE. Those who are BIC Eligible and current BIC's should take the Broker In Charge Update Course. This fulfills 4 hours of CE credit for the June 10, 2023 Deadline. Course topics for 2022-2023 include detailed discussion of material facts and their proper disclosure in North Carolina real estate transactions

It's About to Hit the Fan - Competency Issues for Brokers to Avoid a Blindsided Consumer - Online Elective
You thought you had the perfect listing until the inspection reports came in. Problems arise during the settlement process that can cost your Seller money because of lower priced offers and extended marketing time. Blindsiding a buyer with what sounds like a catastrophic defect may kill the deal, and everyone loses. Discover simple, cost-effective techniques to help present a property in its best possible light to the buying public by encouraging the Seller to take corrective and cost-effective measures to protect the environment and preserve the function, safety and security of the property.

The No Drama Transaction - Working with Buyers - Online Elective
Sometimes it seems like an unattainable dream – the path to experiencing a successful, no drama property closing. Designing and following consistently a systematic process in working with Buyers can make the dream a reality. It begins with working knowledge of the inventory, mastering the minor details of coordinating and facilitating the transaction from beginning to end and developing an intensive and thorough interview process which will establish a productive and effective relationship. Investing the time to review the process step by step and establish working processes that are based on communication, trust, and utilizing negotiation techniques will help you achieve seamless closings, time after time.

The No Drama Transaction - Working with Buyers- In-Person Elective: Kernersville, NC
Sometimes it seems like an unattainable dream – the path to experiencing a successful, no drama property closing. Designing and following consistently a systematic process in working with Buyers can make the dream a reality. It begins with working knowledge of the inventory, mastering the minor details of coordinating and facilitating the transaction from beginning to end and developing an intensive and thorough interview process which will establish a productive and effective relationship. Investing the time to review the process step by step and establish working processes that are based on communication, trust, and utilizing negotiation techniques will help you achieve seamless closings, time after time.


This course is not online and is taught in person in Kernersville, NC

The Seller Centric Experience - Steps for a Comprehensive Listing Process - Online Elective
Sellers want their real estate Licensee to be professional and trustworthy and to keep the Seller’s interests at the center of any decision making during the transaction. Learn how to design an effective Seller Listing process that includes focused interviewing, transaction management, property showing that reflects today’s marketplace requirements and contract interpretation for the benefit of the Sellers. Ultimately it is about engaging in a system you can design that is comprehensive yet customized. You have the chance to exceed expectations today to ensure a highly reputable business and long-term career. Engage in this highly interactive session and design your listing approach with confidence.

The Seller Centric Experience - Steps for a Comprehensive Listing Process-In Person Elective, Kernesville NC
Sellers want their real estate Licensee to be professional and trustworthy and to keep the Seller’s interests at the center of any decision making during the transaction. Learn how to design an effective Seller Listing process that includes focused interviewing, transaction management, property showing that reflects today’s marketplace requirements and contract interpretation for the benefit of the Sellers. Ultimately it is about engaging in a system you can design that is comprehensive yet customized. You have the chance to exceed expectations today to ensure a highly reputable business and long-term career. Engage in this highly interactive session and design your listing approach with confidence.

When No One is Watching - The Code of Ethics Beyond Enforcement - Online Elective
The National Association of REALTORS® developed the NAR Code of Ethics in 1913 because it realized that real estate licensees handle the largest financial transaction a typical consumer will ever participate in. The guidelines for ethical behavior are practical and easy to implement, yet still seem to be ignored on a routine basis. This leads us to the basic question of “what type of real estate professional do you want to be?” This 4-hour program is dedicated to exploring real life case studies and helping brokers align their business processes to adhere to a Code of Conduct that benefits not only the real estate professional but protects the public at large.

When No One is Watching - The Code of Ethics Beyond Enforcement- IN PERSON-Kernersville, NC
The National Association of REALTORS® developed the NAR Code of Ethics in 1913 because it realized that real estate licensees handle the largest financial transaction a typical consumer will ever participate in. The guidelines for ethical behavior are practical and easy to implement, yet still seem to be ignored on a routine basis. This leads us to the basic question of “what type of real estate professional do you want to be?” This 4-hour program is dedicated to exploring real life case studies and helping brokers align their business processes to adhere to a Code of Conduct that benefits not only the real estate professional but protects the public at large.

2024 NAR Settlement Course for Buyer Agents
Join the TravTalks team (Travis Everette, Leslye Helton, and Seth Thomas) for a FREE session dedicated to helping buyer agents navigate the waters post NAR settlement on compensation issues in the housing market. This course is open to any licensees who would like to register and will focus on how to properly have conversations with buyers about compensation, execute written buyer agency agreements in compliance with the settlement, and help buyers navigate the new paths in negotiation. This course does not grant NCREC Continuing Education credit.

NAR Settlement 2024 Listing Agent Procedures
Join the TravTalks team (Travis Everette, Leslye Helton, and Seth Thomas) for a FREE session dedicated to helping listing agents navigate the waters post NAR settlement on compensation issues in the housing market. This course is open to any licensees who would like to register and will focus on how to list property, have compensation discussions with your seller clients, and convey the correct information to buyers and their agents throughout the process.

Personal 12 week path to success mentoring with Travis
Travis Everette has been involved at every level of real estate brokerage in North Carolina and nationally for 20 years. For the very first time, Travis will offer 1 on 1 intensive coaching and training sessions with those agents who absolutely want to find success. Whether new or experienced, Travis will meet you where you are in this exciting 12 weeks. For the first 4 weeks, one on one sessions will be weekly with daily follow-up via text, email, and chat. It's all about that accountability baby! For weeks 5-12, one on one sessions will meet biweekly. The cost is $1000 but the benefit to your career could be priceless. Let's get that database rocking and churn out some business!

“If You List You Last” - Online Elective
The goal of the class is to help students refocus on the quality of service in listings. During the Covid-19 Pandemic of 2020-2021, real estate agents had it easy. Prices in North Carolina increased by almost 20% annually and many people who left the real estate business previously came back and jumped in for the money grab. The National Association of Realtors reported an increase of membership to over 1.8 million Realtors® in the United States. Normally, that number is between 1.2 million and 1.5 million. As a result, the quality of service provided to home sellers diminished as agents could put a house on the market with years of deferred maintenance and at $25,000 to $50,000 over the actual value of the property and sell it in a weekend. Learning to sell real estate in a down market, like both Steve and I did, made us better real estate agents. Now, facing a similar market as interest rates and inventories rise across the country, we thought it was a good time to create class that focused on the quality of the process and the art of listing homes.

Investors Assemble - Online Elective
Set up a business plan for consumers Give students a better understanding of the basic principles of investment How to utilize tools that are available Practical case studies and investment models Understanding the investor’s motivation Short term rentals vs multi-family vs long term rentals

Cons Scams and Hacks - Online Elective
With interactive activities that create a hands on learning environment even in online delivery, this will be a class that delivers information that attendees can apply to their business immediately. After this class, attendees will be able to: Identify the top 10 cyber risks and how to defend against them Differentiate between safe and dangerous emails. Explain why real estate is such a high value target for hackers Define the top 5 real estate scams and how to defend against them Navigate artificial intelligence safely and to provide value to consumers Discover ways to safely navigate new technology

An interactive, collaborative workshop to help you serve your clients by using the DISC. This 4 hour course is an approved elective by NCREC. 1. Unlock your next level of client care 2. Deepen your relationships with your clients 3. Improve your communication skills 4. Understand your client's expectations of service 5. Align yourself with your client's needs and expectations 6. Determine your client's personality style in 60 seconds or less

Buyer's Representation - Online Elective
This course provides an in-depth discussion of the buyers perspective in a residential real estate transaction. Students will learn real-world solutions to the most common issues when dealing with buyers.
This course will be taught live online via a webinar style meeting. Students will be required to have a stable high speed internet connection, a device capable of accessing the webinar, and a webcam/microphone for student interaction.

Realtor Code of Ethics - Online Elective
The Good of All... The Realtor Code of Ethics is a real estate elective course designed to address the REALTOR Code of Ethics, including the role of the Grievance and Professional Standards Committees, procuring cause, arbitration and mediation. Learn about the new NAR "pocket listings" policy as well. The course will feature interactive discussion of how ethics are both central to the job of any licensee AND can help brokers be more productive in the profession.
This course will be taught live online via a webinar style meeting. Students will be required to have a stable high speed internet connection, a device capable of accessing the webinar, and a webcam/microphone for student interaction.

Agency or Agony-Buyer Representation...Getting Paid In Today's Market - Online Elective
Written by Travis Everette, this course is an interactive look at agency relationships in North Carolina. Learn important tools on how to properly and effectively represent buyers in today's market. From submitting offers to negotiating compensation

Agency or Agony? Making the Right Choice - Online Elective
Written by Travis Everette and only available here, this course is an interactive look at agency relationships in North Carolina. Learn important tools like how to keep an entire commission while avoiding dual agency. Dive into issues that commonly result in complaints and upset clients. Protect your clients and yourself. Sign up today!
This course will be taught live online via a webinar style meeting. Students will be required to have a stable high speed internet connection, a device capable of accessing the webinar, and a webcam/microphone for student interaction.

Bring Your Pocket License to Class

You'll need your card on the first day of class. If you do not have this card, you can reprint it by logging into your NCREC broker or BIC online account and selecting "Print Duplicate Pocket Card" from the main account menu.

NCREC Login for Brokers

NCREC Login for BICs

If you can't remember which Post-Licensing classes you've already taken, you can find that information when you log in to your NCREC account.

Attendance and Grading

The school follows the North Carolina Real Estate Commission's policy that all students must attend at least 90% of the scheduled class instruction time for any course. Attendance is taken at every class session, and any student who misses more than 10% of the scheduled class meeting time will not be eligible to pass the course. This does not mean that students are expected or encouraged to miss any class time. All students are expected to be in every class session and will be solely responsible for the material missed during any absence.

Each of the Post-Licensing courses offered by the school has a mandatory coursework, quizzes, and open-book examinations. Students will be eligible to sit for the examination if they have met the above attendance requirements and completed all in-class and homework assignments over the course duration. The course's final grade is based on a combination of these factors.

Once any course offered by the school is completed successfully, the student will receive a course completion certificate, and their status will be recorded with the North Carolina Real Estate Commission so that they may receive credit for the courses they completed.

Current Specials

Free Bimonthly Coaching With Travis Everette For Postlicensing Bundles for a VERY limited time!

Broker Post-Licensing - $229 for each course or $599 for all three! (The total amount of $599 must be paid when registering for the Post-Licensing classes to receive the discount.)

Military Discount - We are proud to support our troops and offer a 25% discount to all active Military members or Veterans! The discount will apply to the total tuition price rather than any advertised specials. Please email us at for details.

The Military discount, if applicable, is extended from Trav Talks Real Estate School and applies to tuition at Trav Talks Real Estate School only. Any reporting fees and other costs associated with the NC Real Estate Commission are not discounted.